TheShadeStore API
{ "cart": { "configuration_product_quantity": 0, "cookie_id": "0-DRwcTmFlJ6lJzZepvbfOU-iDi", "created_time": "2024-11-26T12:34:06-05:00", "id": "343634397", "modified_time": "2024-11-26T12:34:06-05:00", "order": { "items": { "ProductItem": { "order_product": null } } }, "product_quantity": 0, "retailer_id": 1, "status": "new", "swatch_quantity": 0, "url": "/cart/343634397/", "user_id": 0, "version": 2 }, "storable_meta": { "display_name": "Cart", "storable": "VendoCart", "url_code": "cart" }, "user": { "active_sales_rep": 0, "admin_password_hints": "Common names, surnames, and words are easy to guess.\r\nUse a longer keyboard pattern with more turns.\r\nAvoid sequences.\r\nAvoid repeated words and characters.\r\nAvoid dates that are associated with you.\r\nPredictable substitutions like '@' instead of 'a' don't help very much\r\nAvoid recent years.\r\nAvoid years that are associated with you.\r\nYour password must be 8 or more characters long.\r\nReversed words aren't much harder to guess.", "allow_mi_dash": null, "allow_mi_reporting": null, "confirmation_code": null, "confirmed": false, "created_time": "2024-11-26T12:34:06-05:00", "demog_referrer": "", "demog_style": "", "demog_type": "", "email": "", "first": "", "id": 0, "ignore_alerts": 0, "in_house": false, "installer_rank": null, "is_primary": false, "just_logged_in": false, "last": "", "login_time": null, "manager_id": 0, "manufacturer_id": 0, "modified_time": "2024-11-26T12:34:06-05:00", "password": null, "password_hints": "Password must be 8 or more characters long.\r\nAvoid words, numbers and phrases associated with you.", "password_last_modified": null, "permissions": "0", "phone": "", "pilot_group_flag": false, "project_quantity": 0, "reset_code": "", "retailer_id": 1, "retailer_location_id": null, "self_approve_rights": 0, "send_updates": 0, "show_performance_program": 0, "showroom_id": null, "type": "customer", "url": "/user/0/", "username": null } }